Hey! I’m Rachel,
f*ck average or normal I’m all about helping you build a mind blowing yoga business that makes $$$
Building a yoga business takes grit, determination, and resilience - and I already know you’ve got it, because you’re a yogi.
And isn’t the 8 limb path all about this?
There are two ways you can build a yoga business -
You can struggle on your own - lonely as f*ck or
You can get support from someone who has already done it not once but 3x over, and have fun, fall down a bunch, and learn a shit ton - just like a great yoga practice.
The choice is yours!
Not sure where to start?
Grow Your Yoga Biz Podcast
Growing your yoga biz is just like having a baby. It starts with a thought - I love yoga - how can I share this and make a living do it?
Just like creating a baby takes energy, love, and continuing nurturance so does you business. Doing it alone can feel scary, hard, and downright exhausting - much like creating a baby solo. But just like creating and raising with another person is f*ck ton easier so is a business. Trust me I did it alone the first time - and I don’t recommend it.
Think about the Grow Your Yoga Biz Podcast as your best friend. She’s here to help you as you grow this business baby - providing you with real life tips, strategies, and inspiration to keep going.
“One month in and I have already doubled my revnue at my studio this month.”